From our Pastors, At the beginning of Lent Pope Francis suggested some unusual things from which to fast. On the last Sunday we were able to be together, we prayed a version of them. With all the enforced restrictions they now read with new urgency. If you can, pray them with us when you get to the end of this note. Many of us have been forced to take on a Lenten journey we did not anticipate. Perhaps there is some benefit in examining what we need, what we treasure, what we must work to maintain, who we cherish, whom and what we need to honor as our blessings.
Try to use this time well. To slow down. Breathe. Practice gratitude. Pray. Read. Connect to others. We will eventually get through this. Let us try to use the time and space given to us to emerge with a new sense of purpose, a renewed commitment to justice and peace, a renewed commitment to a better world for all.
Fr. Mark, c.o. and Fr. Michael, c.o.
Today Friday, March 27, 2020, at 1 p.m. EST, Pope Francis will offer prayers and an extraordinary “Urbi et Orbi” Blessing for the world’s Catholics. The Holy Father stated, “I invite everyone to participate spiritually through the means of communication.”
Live coverage begins on NET-TV at 12:45 pm. The coverage includes reflection from the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, on the significance of this Papal blessing and what it means for us.
NET-TV can be seen in the New York City area on Spectrum (Channel 97), Optimum (Channel 30), and FIOS (Channel 48), or watch
Rest in Peace Fr. Alba of the Alcala Oratory in Spain, first Oratorian
to succumb to COVID 19
John Schieber
Baby Noah Reno
Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:
Roberto Correa
If you would like add someone to the prayer list email the parish office at [email protected] or go to the website and complete the information there.
Who needs help getting groceries, medicine or critical supplies? If you or someone you know among our communities is in need of assistance in food, critical items or medicine pick-ups over the coming weeks, please contact
Fr. Michael or
Fr. Mark. We have parishioners willing, healthy and able to assist.
Lenten Stations of the Cross are posted on YouTube. We invite you to pray them individually or as a family this Friday.
Stewardship Please remember, if you are able, to keep supporting our parishes as we try to maintain staff, clergy and operations during this time.
You can make your donation online through PushPay by clicking on one of the Links:
64 Middagh St
Brooklyn NY 11201
Attn: either ABVM or St Boniface.
There are a number of scams going around where people get personal information and impose on your generosity and affection. Please know that the fathers and brothers of the Oratory will never ask you for personal assistance. Delete all requests that look suspicious.
Praying Together May we abstain from hurtful words, and instead speak words of kindness.
May we fast from sadness and complaining, and be filled with gratitude and simplicity.
May we let go of anger, and be filled with patience.
May we not give into pessimism and worry, and be filled with hope and trust in God.
May we let go of bitterness, and fill our hearts with joy.
May we fast from selfishness and the holding of grudges, so to be compassionate and reconciled to others.
May we fast from too many words, and be silent so we can truly listen.
Please continue to pray for first responders, medical staff, pharmacists, delivery people, supermarket staff, utility workers, transportation workers, and all keeping us alive and our city and country working.