Last week some of us participated in the screening of a biography on Dorothy Day: Revolution of the Heart. Many thanks to the Social Justice Action team and the Oratory Women who organized and coached everyone through this Zoom experience.
As we continue to live under NY PAUSE and perhaps are chaffing for a return to “normalcy,” we may begin to think that the little things don’t matter – but they do! Perhaps we are poised in these days to have our own revolutions of the heart. When she was asked how small actions matter, Dorothy had this to say: “People say, what is the sense of our small effort? They cannot see that we must lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time. A pebble cast into a pond causes ripples that spread in all directions. Each one of our thoughts, words and deeds is like that. No one has a right to sit down and feel hopeless. There is too much work to do.”
Certainly, working and schooling from home, keeping the peace, managing chores and Zoom meetings can start to feel overwhelming. We might even have moments we feel helpless. But we are not. I am proposing the pebble challenge: Everyday find a “pebble,” cast it into the pond of your day. Our “pebble” may be some small thing to do, some gesture to make, some thought to consider, some word to speak that empowers us and those around us. Over time the ripples touch lives, subtly but for the good, building generosity, hope and solidarity. We are all members of one another and together as one we will make a way forward. Every time you cast a “pebble” into the pond of life, put a piece of pasta or a dried bean into a bowl to help you be mindful that
small steps matter.
Let us lean on one another, find joy in simple things and cast our pebbles for change into our common pond. And remember to wear your masks and keep the distance now that will allow us to be together again one day.
Fr. Michael Callaghan, C.O. and Fr. Mark Lane, C.O.
Today, May 5 is Giving Tuesday A Global Day of Giving
Call to Action/Ways to Help Those In Need During the COVID Crisis.
The Social Justice Action at the Brooklyn Oratory has compiled a list of local causes needing suggested organizations.
Please use this new link to access this PDF. Thank you!
Share a Prayer- submitted by Monica Alvarez
Prayer for Our Community:
O Great Love, thank you for living and loving in us and through us. May all that we do flow from our deep connection with you and all beings. Help us become a community that vulnerably shares each other’s burdens and the weight of glory. Listen to our hearts’ longings for the healing of our world. [Please add your own intentions.] . . . Knowing you are hearing us better than we are speaking, we offer these prayers in all the holy names of God, amen.
Prayer by Richard Rohr OFM. Ft. Richard is Founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation and currently serves as its Academic Dean.
Financial Assistance
The NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) will provide financial assistance to individuals in need of assistance to meet funeral expenses. Low-income New York City residents may be eligible for up to $900 in financial assistance to meet funeral expenses for a deceased low income New York City resident family member or friend.
If the death of your loved one is due to the Coronavirus, you may be eligible to apply for funeral assistance through FEMA. Use the link and check the site for eligibility requirements.
Reminder: Please send your photo so we can set up a virtual congregation.
Send a printable photo of your face to [email protected] or mail a photo to 64 Middagh Street. The photos will be taped to the chairs/pews and we will say mass with you! Please try to send it in by May 10. In the spirit of St. Philip and our annual St. Philip Day picnic if you want to send a photo with something of St Philip’s characteristic humor you might wear a funny hat – or not!
Please remember, if you are able, to keep supporting our parishes as we try to maintain staff, clergy and operations during this time. You can make your donation online through PushPay by clicking on one of the links:
For Assumption
For St. Boniface
Or mail checks to:
64 Middagh St.
Brooklyn NY 11201
Attn: ABVM or St. Boniface
Mass intentions available
If you would like to request a mass for someone living or deceased, mass intentions are available for the weeks or months ahead. Email [email protected]. Cards can also be mailed out.
New Mailing Address for the Parish Offices
The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes of ABVM & St. Boniface
64 Middagh St.
Brooklyn NY 11201
Prayer to Our Lady of the Oratory
Holy Mary, Mother of God we turn to you in this time of uncertainty. Help us to walk in trust and security as we care for one another. Keep the bonds of charity strong among us when we are apart. Watch over our communities and families with your maternal care. May health and wellbeing surround the Oratory parishes and all people. Teach us to say yes to God, yes to love in our hearts, yes to the Incarnate Word in our flesh. To affirm in our minds only what is true, good and beautiful. And with our whole strengthen teach us to live as true disciples of Christ. Our Lady of the Oratory intercede for us to God that the transforming grace we need may bring us peace and joy. Amen.